★ In the armed forces - pledge and career

In the armed forces - pledge and career

Every year, around 18,000 people start their career with the Bundeswehr. The Bundeswehr not only has its own hospitals, but also a fire brigade that provides training. One of the most important tasks today is the fight against biological weapons. In the Fuchs armoured reconnaissance vehicle, soldiers are trained in how to detect and analyse them - a highly scientific activity. The highlight of the two and a half months of basic training is the recruit inspection at the end. Leon and his comrades have to go through all the scenarios he has learnt beforehand: Overcoming obstacles with 30 kilograms of heavy luggage, surviving a fire attack, setting up an improvised camp, scouting with a gas mask and transporting a wounded man.

It's exhausting, and some people think about giving up. Fritz is chosen to pledge his allegiance to the flag on behalf of his comrades. By taking the oath, he pledges to stand up for democracy and freedom with his life. The 23-year-old is a regular soldier in the mountain troops. Whether he actually takes this oath seriously and completes his training is questionable, however. Justine is training to become a firefighter.

It has to extinguish a huge "A400M" transport aircraft. The crash has torn off a wing. Together with her colleagues, she daringly runs into the fire. Trainee firefighter Dennis, on the other hand, fights with a tree that he has to cut down. René and his squad work in the Fuchs armoured reconnaissance vehicle. They track down invisible but all the more dangerous NBC weapons. There are only 30 of these high-tech armoured vehicles in the Bundeswehr. Julia analyses the biological weapons in the equally well-equipped laboratory. Her team is particularly in demand when it comes to unearthing a terror lab.

Broadcasting on 04th of April 2024 at 08.30pm on ZDFinfo + up from 24th of April 2024 available in ZDFMediathek 

Music: POPVIRUS Library