Doc Esser: The health check - hip swing instead of hip surgery - pain-free for life!
The use of an artificial hip is now the sixth most common operation in Germany. This makes us the world leader. Joint replacement is often necessary due to arthrosis of the joint in an advanced stage. However, hip arthrosis is by no means a purely senior citizens' disease.
Among younger sufferers, it is precisely athletic people who can suffer from premature arthrosis: because the increased load on the joint, in combination with congenital malpositions, incorrect posture, muscular imbalances or injuries, can ruin the joint.
But not every patient with hip problems has to go under the knife right away. Some physicians today opt for treatment methods that often maintain or restore mobility and load-bearing capacity of the joint without the use of an artificial hip joint.
Broadcasting on 29th of March 2021 at 09.00pm on WDR/ARD
Music: POPVIRUS Library