★ Doc Fischer - Rheumatoid arthritis - how can nutrition help?

Doc Fischer - Rheumatoid arthritis - how can nutrition help?

Rheumatoid arthritis - how can nutrition help? Rheumatoid arthritis comes in relapses and severely restricts the mobility of those affected: Rheumatoid arthritis, or "rheumatism" for short. In this progressive inflammation of the joints, the body's immune system goes crazy and fights the body's own tissues. The disease is treated with immunosuppressive drugs that restrict the body's own immune cells in their ability to function. But there is another way to alleviate pain and stiffness: nutrition. This is confirmed by current research results. For example, dietary fibres have a positive influence on the intestinal flora, which in turn is involved in the regulation of the immune system. What this means for everyone + which foods can prevent rheumatism attacks - "Doc Fischer" has the answers.

Broadcasting on 29th of October 2022 at 09.15 am on SWR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library