★ Elstner's Travels - The Rescuers of Marine Animals

Elstner's Travels - The Rescuers of Marine Animals

The new episode takes presenter Frank Elstner to seven islands in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. They all share a fauna that is highly endangered - from giant lizards and vultures to whales, dolphins and sea turtles. On the Ilhas Desertas near Madeira, Elstner visits Europe's rarest mammal, the monk seal, of which there are only 22 left. On Mallorca he is on a rubbish collection boat that fishes tons of plastic out of the sea + visits a rescue centre for injured vultures. In the Azores, his biggest dream comes true: meeting the largest animal on earth, a blue whale up to 33 metres long. "I spent days in wobbly rubber dinghies - and once it even got really dicey," reports Elstner, who actually briefly got into distress at sea during the filming off La Gomera.

Broadcasting on 07th of April 2023 at 08.15pm onSWR/ ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library


