★ Fits, wobbles and has air

Fits, wobbles and has air - 4-part docu-format about tradesmen apprentices

They are apprentice craftsmen and they love their job. Even if there are days when everything goes to pot. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs...

Nick, Alex, Can and Robin are starting their new lives as roofers, carpenters, road builders and garden/landscape workers. It is uncertain what awaits the apprentices on the construction sites and what tasks they will have to perform. But they love their job. Their instructors, the master craftsmen and journeymen, are closely by their side.

Nick, 19, chose the roofing apprenticeship because he loves being outside in the wind and weather. Master roofer Tobi wants to see how Nick does at height today and then maybe let him cover a ridge.

Alex, 23, is a third-year apprentice carpenter. He often works together with Sarah, the journeywoman who is only two years older. She had to assert herself in her apprenticeship and now wants to inspire other women for the trade on social networks.

Road construction apprentice Can, 21, is allowed onto one of the biggest machines for the first time today: the asphalt paver. It's a real challenge to steer the machine, which weighs tons, straight ahead with centimeter precision. Foreman Ralf shows him how it's done.

Robin, 18, is training to be a gardener and landscaper. Today, in a large private garden in Horstmar, he has to withstand the critical gaze of his journeywoman Alina - and take a few words from her.

Broadcasting on 11th of April 2021 at 03.50am on WDR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library