★ Milka, Oreo, Philadelphia

ZDFbesseresser: Sebastian Lege unpacks - The tricks of the food industry with Sebastian Lege - Milka, Oreo, Philadelphia

Sebastian Lege uncovers the tricks of the food industry. Milka, Oreo and Philadelphia are produced by the giant Mondelēz. Sebastian Lege exposes the secrets of the products. Milka chocolate with good Alpine milk - a clever trick that product developer Lege uncovers. Philadelphia is no longer allowed to be sold as cream cheese - the documentary explains what's inside. And the Oreo cookie trick is as simple as it is ingenious. The Mondelēz company is a giant in the food industry - and yet hardly known to customers. Yet it bundles extremely well-known brands that almost everyone has put in their shopping cart at some point. The documentary tells the exciting corporate history of this quiet giant. From its spin-off from the American parent company to the yield miracle of European food producers.

Product developer Sebastian Lege also takes a look at some of Mondelēz's most popular products and explains the tricks used by the manufacturers. Mostly to save money on production. But also to drive sales to new heights. The documentary takes a look behind the scenes of the food industry. It allows experts to have their say, making consumers a little more responsible. After all, many of the companies' tricks have long since become impossible to see through without expert help.

Broadcasting on 04th of February 2024 at 05.15pm on ZDF + on 28th of January 2023 at 08.20am on ZDFinfo

Music: POPVIRUS Library