★ Wild life behind the dyke

Wild life behind the dyke

The Cuxhaven coastal heaths are the only heath area in Lower Saxony bordering directly on the sea + a valuable habitat for many animal species.

The documentary accompanies people and animals through the changing seasons + shows the unique beauty of an ancient cultural landscape that has nevertheless preserved its wild and original side.

Nowhere else on Lower Saxony's coast is the landscape as diverse + varied as in the largest crowberry heath area on the German mainland. Behind the holiday resort of Duhnen, purple heaths glow in August. Here, bisons, Heck cattle and Koniks live behind the dyke.

The Hasenkampf family looks after wild horses and wild cattle in Cuxhaven's coastal heath, which are used here to combat the threat of scrub encroachment. But the animals are anything but tame + accessible. Especially the 800-kilo bison bull considers the Hasenkampfs as intruders in his territory.

Broadcasting on 19th of January 2022 at 04.00pm on 3sat

Music: POPVIRUS Library