★ A carpet of flowers for the Lord - Corpus Christi in the south-west

A carpet of flowers for the Lord - Corpus Christi in the south-west

Today, on Corpus Christi, Catholic Christians all over the country celebrate the incarnate presence of God in the consecrated host. For the 2,000-strong community in Sipplingen on Lake Constance, it is the biggest feast day in the town. For the Corpus Christi procession, the people of Sipplingen lay one of the longest flower carpets far and wide for their Lord God.

On Corpus Christi Day, Sipplingen comes alive at the crack of dawn. From five o'clock in the morning, the main street is transformed into a sea of flowers. To the glory of God, the residents lay an 800 metre long carpet of flowers on the asphalt. Only the priest with the consecrated host is allowed to walk on it when the Corpus Christi procession passes through the village. Days in advance, the people of Sipplingen collect countless flowers from the meadows and gardens and then sit together for hours to pluck the fine petals.

Rehearsals for Corpus Christi begin weeks before the festival for the Sipplingen citizens' militia. The marching band, band and team make their grand entrance on this day. Dressed in their historical uniforms, they accompany the procession with music and gun salutes. On the eve of Corpus Christi Day, they kick off the festivities with a grand sweep - the highest military ceremony. Corpus Christi in Sipplingen - one of the most beautiful and moving Corpus Christi customs in the country.

Broadcasting on 30th of May 2024 at 07.35am on SR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library.