★ POPVIRUS goes Down Under

Division: International

POPVIRUS goes Down Under
Australia + New Zealand were among the last missing puzzles on the POPVIRUS world map. The partner is called Motion Focus Music from Brisbane + is one of the most popular independent music libraries in Oceania. The makers Daniel Gatland, Benjamin John Guest + Rafal "Raf" Mikolajczyk know the media scene in Down Under like no other.
“We are thrilled to be teaming up with POPVIRUS to publish their amazing music in Australia and New Zealand,” Motion Focus Music’s Daniel Gatland announced. "The quality and range of the POPVIRUS catalogue is among the best in the world + we are excited to offer this collection across their four different labels exclusively in our region. We are looking forward to a rewarding + creative long-term partnership between Motion Focus Music & POPVIRUS.”
POPVIRUS founder A.B Sporer is also in high spirits following the deal: “Good music people are rare to find + Motion Focus Music have all the assets POPVIRUS needs. I highly appreciate this special collaboration between reliable, professional + trustworthy music maniacs. I´m 100% sure these guys will completely infect Australia & New Zealand with POPVIRUS. Australia + New Zealand: we´re here!”