★ Prison in Germany - More than life imprisonment

Prison in Germany - More than life imprisonment

More than 400 men are serving maximum security sentences in Bruchsal Prison in Baden-Württemberg, most of whom are serving long sentences, including 60 "lifers".

"You grow old together," says Marcus Bornhäuser, who has worked as a prison officer in Bruchsal for 22 years, "some people you accompany until they die." The authors get to know intensive offenders like Manuel, who openly admits: "I wouldn't release myself yet."

In the "Star of Bruchsal": Drone image of the old cross-shaped prison: more than 400 serious criminals are incarcerated in Bruchsal Prison, which was built in 1848. Bruchsal Prison, built in 1848 as a men's penitentiary, has not changed much from the outside in the radiating main building. However, behind the old walls of the so-called "Star of Bruchsal" and heavy wooden doors, the prison is now a state-of-the-art correctional facility.

From the very beginning to the present day, the prison has been reserved for male inmates. For Timo, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, it is still "a really shitty life". He has only served three years of his sentence and still has at least twelve to go: in Germany, a "lifer" can only apply for early release after 15 years behind bars at the earliest.

Social therapy for intensive offenders: At night: a prisoner lights a cigarette behind a barred window. This prisoner was sentenced to "life imprisonment followed by preventive detention". The new social therapy buildings at Bruchsal Prison are home to serious violent and sex offenders for whom the court has also ordered preventive detention.

Once they have completed their regular prison term, they move to separate institutions. The placement is indefinite, but is reviewed at least every year. In Bruchsal, these prisoners have the opportunity to be reviewed while still in prison. One of the offenders who makes use of the therapy programme is intensive offender Manuel.

Most offenders - whether in regular detention or in preventive detention - eventually leave prison as free people. But quite a few serve 25 years or more.

The 45-minute documentary shows the everyday life in prison of four very different violent offenders and explores the question: Is it possible to spend your whole life in prison in Germany after being convicted?

Broadcasting on 09th of May 2024 at 01.25am on ZDF

Music: POPVIRUS Library.