★ The dog pro - Celine with beagle-Jack Russell mongrel Charly

The dog pro - Celine with beagle-Jack Russell mongrel Charly

Celine with beagle-Jack Russell mongrel Charly: For Celine, Charly is an absolute chaos dog. And he really does make life quite difficult for his owner. The male dog seems completely restless and is constantly energised. This is particularly evident outside, where he pulls on the lead ad nauseam. In desperation, Celine tries to slow Charly down with strictness and harshness. But the energetic male dog is not at all impressed by this. He simply does what he wants. Once again, the dog professional is needed as a couple therapist.

Susanne and Dirk with mixed-breed dog Marla: Marla comes from Romania and has an almost indomitable urge to be free. As soon as the front door opens, she is unstoppable. Susanne and Dirk therefore asked Martin Rütter for help and trained Marla a lot. They actually thought they had the little German shepherd's urge for freedom under control. But it is only when Marla escapes again that the dog professional discovers the real reason for her headlong flight attempts. It's the cats in the neighbourhood. And so Martin is forced to radically change the training plan.

Broadcasting on 01th of June 2024 at 04.50am on VOX

Music: POPVIRUS Library.