★ The Taster

The Taster

We hear Bum Bum, Capri, Cornetto or Nogger - and they are there immediately. Memories of childhood, swimming pool and summer holidays. Maybe that's why it's so hard to resist a popsicle.

No wonder, the industry calls the small take-away ice cream "impulse ice cream" in the technical jargon. But is the well-known brand ice cream really so much better than the competing product from the discounters? Is the quality of the ingredients reflected in the price?

The taster is on his ice cream bike and lets you taste it. How does the stick get into the ice cream and what makes ice cream so creamy? Björn Freitag explores the secrets of ice cream producers.

Ice cream machines in practical test. Which one can convince our test family and how much must it cost? And: The ultimate recipe tips for delicious ice cream creations. From fine ice cream desserts for adults to homemade ice cream for children - colourful, delicious and completely without additives.

Broadcasting on 24th of July 2020 at 02.10pm + 27th of July 2020 at 8.15pm on WDR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library